Thursday, March 03, 2005


Nope. Its not about purpose in life, its the purpose of this blog.

Several times I stumble across incredible blogs where each and every post can be copied and pasted into some magazine. Usually they take several days for single post but they are worth the wait. There are other blogs which are specific to some domain and all the posts are targetted.

But the purpose of my blog is different. Its supposed to be an uncensored snapshot of what I think. It can be short or long, it can be cryptic or simple but it should reflect whatever occurs to my mind without being censored. I dont intend to think about a suitable topic for the blog and then start writing. After all this blog was by me, about me and meant for me.

Infact this was one of the prime reason as to why I refused to pass the address of my blog out. Fortunately or unfortunately, I have got some good avid browsers frequenting this. But I am resisting my temptation to change. I apologize if I sound rude. This blogs should reflect me and not target the audience. But I believe that even in such case, there will be some who would like it, for what it is. I am happy satisfying their curiosity alone.

- Dheepak Ra


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